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AUGUST 27, 2011

MANNY MANY PRIZESSarangani Representative and Eight Division Boxing Champion Manny Pacquiao is giving away money, even from his own pocket, in his new game show on GMA 7 starting July 9. The many prizes is said to include a brand new car and a house and lot. In its time slot, Manny Many Prizes is competing against The Price is Right of Kris Aquino. Manny Many Prizes is co-hosted by Isabelle Daza, Rhian Ramos, Onyok Velasco and Paolo Contis.
My articles | Views: 216 | Author: keiths | Added by: allen | Date: 2011-08-28 | Comments (0)

AUGUST 27, 2011

is a story about a little boy named Rain. He was used to being the only child. Until such time, his mother (Brenda Garcia) gave birth. Rain became the elder brother and to be the keeper of his baby brother Arbee. One day, his parents (Matthew Mendoza) went out for a trip. Rain was left alone to watch over Arbee. He got pissed off everytime Arbee had tantrums. So he wished that he would be gone forever. Suddenly he met a clown named Swap (Matt Evans). Swap told him that he could have anything he want in exchange of something. So Rain made a deal and Swap also told him he would only get one thing he does not want in his life. Rain used the power Swap granted him. And that is to hypnotize the owners of the things he want. When he came, Swap also came to get the payment for the things. Then and there he only knew that Arbee was the exchange of the deal.
My articles | Views: 224 | Author: keiths | Added by: allen | Date: 2011-08-28 | Comments (0)

AUGUST 27, 2011

Typhoon Mina becomes stronger and was raised to Signal No. 2 in three provinces in the country. Taiwan have already prepared for the upcoming typhoon. Sec. Carandang was being interrogated very strictly. Rep. Magsaysay became angry when he answered her arrogantly. Before the session ended, Sec. Carandang apologize to Rep. Magsaysay. The two shook hands before they got out. Jose Pidal Issue was again opened at the PNP helicopter issue. Sen. Ping Lacson is very firm with LTA Inc. Bookeeper, Rowena del Rosario. He wants her to answer the questions directly. But the senator could not get anything from her. Del Rosario showed how tough she is during the hearing. But her tears blurted when she was on her way out. Del Rosario was set free after she was imprisone at the House for three days. 91 Filipinos were already on aboard a vessel bound for Egypt. Wherein the OFWs will be fetched by the persons of the Philippine Embassy. Dead bodies of the rebels and pro- Gadafi were scattered around a place in Libya. During a conference, somebody is willing to give a reward to whoever will have Gadafi surrendered. DOH launches its program against Dengue. A new carnapping syndicate was named by the police. This group not only gets the car but also kills the one riding in it.Actor Gabby Concepcion talks about the situation his daughter Kc Concepcion is into regarding her relationship with Piolo Pascual. Sharon Cuneta had already answered it when she was first asked. Indie film "Thelma", where Maja Salvador is the actress is nominated as an entry in Hawaii.
My articles | Views: 252 | Author: keiths | Added by: allen | Date: 2011-08-28 | Comments (0)

AUGUST 27, 2011

Libyan leader Gadafi releases another video stating to fight against the Libyan rebels. While the rebels answer that it had been forty two years. And his regime needs to end. Filipino engineer who was kidnapped at the evacuation center at Tripoli, is already safe. Wife of the said engineer said in an interview that her husband was not kidnapped and is safely living with a relative who is staying nearby. She also says that her husband is not an engineer but a mechanic. The massive evacuation of OFWs is now being planned by the Philippine embassy. Evacuation of the rest of the Filipinos are made sure by the rebels. U.S. East Coast felt a magnitude of 5. 9 earthquake. Three snatchers were caught after being checked on cctv. Megan Fox wansts her tattoo of the face of Marilyn Monroe to be removed. Ogie Alcasid gave Regine Velasquez a surprise visit during her concert. Ogie also showed the public, for the first time, the 4D image of their soon- to- be baby. Song of Charice Pempengco was chosen to be a theme song in a movie.
My articles | Views: 190 | Author: keiths | Added by: allen | Date: 2011-08-28 | Comments (0)

AUGUST 18, 2011

Prosecutor Edward (Kwon Sang Woo) met again with the protesters who were accused of abducting Maureen (Ko Hyun Jung). But they firmly say that they are innocent and that was already supported by the statement of the victim. After his duty, he went to where Maureen was having her community service. And together with him was Dondon. And he finally believed the stories of the farmers about the big mosquitoes attacking persons. The following day he also brought with him his boss so that he would see the situation. Edward and Maureen were on a train, when Edward advised her that she should run in the Congress to have a solution in that poor place. And Edward said that she shoul
My articles | Views: 181 | Author: keiths | Added by: allen | Date: 2011-08-18 | Comments (0)

AUGUST 18, 2011

is very surprised seeing Ysabelle Song (Lee Yo Won) at Raymond Kang's (Bae Soo Bin) house. Dave Han hurrieldy went inside talking to Ysabelle Song in which he asked Ysabelle why she is there at Raymond's house. Ysabelle Song then told Dave Han that she is working as a housemaid for Raymond Kang. Raymond Kang told Dave Han that he hired Ysabelle Song since Dave have already fired her at his restaurant. Dave Han didn't listen to Raymond Kang and told Ysabelle Song that she must not be there because Raymond is the fiance of his friend. Dave Han then told Ysabelle Song not to think that she was fired by him and just go with him back to his restaurant. Ysabelle Song then told Dave Han that she doesn't want to go back at the restaurant with him. With what Ysabelle Song told him, Dave Han just left frustrated and disappointed that Ysabelle Song didn't go with him. Dave Han went back to his restaurant who is very mad seeing Ysabelle Song with Raymond Kang. As for Ysabelle Song, she continued working at Raymond Kang's house wherein she is letting herself busy for her to forget about what recently happened. Later on, Raymond Kang invited her out for dinner since Raymond is worried that Ysabelle can't cook well because of her burned hand. Raymond Kang then brought Ysabelle Song in a restaurant where he knows the owner there already. At the restaurant, Raymond Kang told Ysabelle Song that the restaurant they are in to is the favourite restaurant of his mother. Raymond Kang even shared some information about his mother and Ysabelle is already wondering why Raymond brought her there. Ysabelle Song then asked Raymond Kang why he brought her there because she is afraid that Raymond's fiancee is going to get mad. With this incident, what reason will Raymond Kang tell Ysabelle Song?
My articles | Views: 152 | Author: keiths | Added by: allen | Date: 2011-08-18 | Comments (0)

AUGUST 18, 2011

The seven remaining contestants are awakened by two man shouting - Manila and Sta. Rosa. With the morning alarm they heard, the seven remaining contestants went at the lobby and they are all wondering what is going to happen. They then went outside and saw two vans and then came the game master - Derek Ramsay. Derek Ramsay then revealed that the two vans are taking them somewhere they all wanted. The van going to manila will take them to a work out gym - Fitness first and meet their trainers there. The seven remaining contestants will have their chance working out with their trainers and one of their love ones individually. Reminiscing that the seven remaining contestants only lost fifteen pounds, they still have to lose thirty pounds to meet their target weight loss of forty five pounds. If majority of the votes from the contestant is going to Manila, they get a chance working out properly to meet their goal this week. If the seven remaining contestants are going to choose Sta. Rosa, it will lead them to Enchanted Kingdom. If they are going to choose Sta. Rosa, Raffy, Angela, Larry and Winwin will get a chance being with their little loved ones. The little one's who are waiting for them are Larry's two sons, Winwin and Angela's nephew and Raffy's little sister. After knowing where the Sta. Rosa van will lead them, the four contestants - Raffy, Larry, Winwin and Angela are very confused on what Van to choose. The four contestants who have their love ones at the Sta. Rosa chose Manila for them to lose weight and they thought that the other contestants are not going to enjoy if they choose Sta. Rosa. The seven remaining contestants then gathered around in one room and have their open forum. After awhile, the seven remaining contestants finally decided to go to Sta. Rosa to be with the kids there.
My articles | Views: 181 | Author: keiths | Added by: allen | Date: 2011-08-18 | Comments (0)

AUGUST 18, 2011

Douglas (Rez Cortez) favored Carlotta (Tanya Gomez). So when he approached Shane (Kris Bernal),he then slaps and tells her that she has no decency since she brought a man at home. Shane said that Sir Fred (Raymond Bagatsing) was the one who helped her when she had an accident. But still they insisted that she should start avoiding that man because he is reach and he may just abuse them who are poor. Meanwhile, Greg (Emilio Garcia) already got the result of DNA Test. And he told Zaira (Lj Reyes) that Lisa (Jean Garcia) was right with her intuitions all along. Lizzette was alive along. But Zaira told him that they should not tell her the truth.
My articles | Views: 202 | Author: keiths | Added by: allen | Date: 2011-08-18 | Comments (0)

AUGUST 18, 2011

Lora/Rosa Sebastiano (Amy Austria - Ventura) finally got her chance escaping from Allondra Sebastiano - Del Tierro (Lorna Tolentino). Lora then tied up Allondra and let her wore an army suit just like what Allondra did to her.. Allondra asked Lora why she tied her up and let her wore the army suit. Lora told Allondra that she is just doing the same thing she did with her and she also told Allondra some hurtful things. Lora left Allondra with a mask and suddenly Javier Del Tierro (Coco Martin) arrived hurting her. Javier thought that it is Lora and so he shot Allondra in her right arm. Alexander Del Tierro (Coco Martin) then arrived at the place where Allondra and Javier are and he is letting Javier to surrender. When Javier took of the mask to the woman she thought is Lora, he is very surprised to see his mother - Allondra. Alexander then tried to call for back up to help him finally capture both Allondra and Javier then suddenly Javier hit him with a wood. Going back with Lora, she escaped from Allondra and hurriedly ran away where suddenly she heard some gun shots. Lora then knew that these gun shots she have heard are from KaDiego and the other rebels who are after Tomas (Tonton Gutierrez). The rebels are not going to stop until they find Javier and finally kill him knowing that he is the traitor of their group. Tomas protected Lora from the rebels because he knows that they can also kill Lora. As for Javier, he ran away from Alexander knowing that he already called the other militars to follow him and finally capture Javier. Javier and Alexander saw each other and fought wherein Alexander is trying to convince Javier that Allondra is the enemy and not them. While Alexander and Javier are fighting with each other, Lora arrived telling Javier about the truth. With this, will Javier finally believe Lora?
My articles | Views: 175 | Author: keiths | Added by: allen | Date: 2011-08-18 | Comments (0)

AUGUST 18, 2011

Abelardo "Abel" Marasigan (Robin Padilla) who is also known as Samuel Contreras finally proved that he is not the one who told the police. Rico Bartolome (Lito Pimentel) told Samuel that he wants Samuel to kill the man who accused him. Abel remembered what Aretha Aguilar (Pinky Amador) have told him in which he must get Bartolome's trust. Abel then killed the man who accused him of telling the police officers where their hide out is. Meanwhile, Don Lucio "Senior" De la Rocha (Mark Gil) together with his other daughter - Jonnie De la Rocha (Empress Schuck) went to the Santana family. Regina "Reign" Santana (Bea Alonzo) then wondered why they are there but her mother - Patricia "Pat" Santana (Isabel Rivas) is happy to see them. Jonnie then told Reign that she together with her family can live at their house. Jonnie wants Reign and her family to live at their house since the Santana's house are not theirs anymore. At first Reign told Jonnie and Don Lucio not to bother in letting them live at their house but Jonnie insisted. Reign's mother - Pat told her to accept Don Lucio's offer since they don't have a house anymore. Reign then accepted Jonnie's offer to live with them since Don Lucio is also Reign's father. Reign and her father - Don Lucio then taked with each other alone wherein Reign shared how she got very upset with him as a father. Don Lucio then apologized to Reign and asked if she can forgive him after all the things he have done being a father to her. Reign then told Don Lucio that her heart is now ready to forgive him because he is still her father. On the other hand, Dolor Marasigan (Liza Lorena) is still trying to convince her son - Jonathan "Onat" Marasigan (Ejay Falcon) not to have a relationship with Jonnie. With this, will Onat agree to what his mother - Dolor wants him to do?
My articles | Views: 156 | Author: keiths | Added by: allen | Date: 2011-08-18 | Comments (0)

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